Welcome to the Bridges of Love NW client service system
- Bridges of Love Northwest is a cooperative strategy among churches that links volunteers to neighbors in need.
- This web based software facilitates client case
management and organizational administration.
User Login
- For users new to this system, visit the Service Bureau portal here for training resources.
- For help using this site call Shaun Skidmore at 253-531-2366.
- To report a problem email 'bridgesoflovenw@gmail.com'.
System Alerts
- The system continues to temporarily slow down for everyone when a user does a "Search Resources" with more than one search criteria. It is better to enter a single criteria like "Org Type" and then if there are too many matches, download the resulting list to a spreadsheet like Excel for subsequent filtering (like matching a Service Area zip code).
Copyright © 2011-2024 Bridges of Love Northwest, Washington State, USA